Aurum Golf

How can you prolong your game of Golf?

A typical aging adult will lose 30%-50% of their muscle mass and strength between the ages of 30 and 80 years. Furthermore, a reduction in muscular strength occur at an approximate rate of 12%–14% per decade after age 50 years.

However, resistance training is generally thought to be a promising intervention for preventing and reversing the loss of muscle function and deterioration of muscle structure associated with the aging process.

The cardiorespiratory system is also susceptible to change, and significant decreases in aerobic capacity have been found after the age of 40 years if physical activity is not maintained. By the age of 65 years, research has found if physical activity is not maintained, aerobic capacity is reduced by approximately 30% along with the deterioration of muscular function.

This means activities of daily living such as walking and running is adversely affected by advancing age, due to the decline in maximal oxygen uptake. Further studies have shown that the number of falls increases by 35%–40% after 60 years of age, which is a consequence of reduced muscle strength, balance, and flexibility.

So let’s start to slow the aging process!

Number of sets, repetitions and frequency of these exercises depends on each individual.
If you feel discomfort during these exercises, do not continue and call Aurum Golf on 02 9899 1416 for a detailed assessment and recommendations.

Flexibility Exercises

Cervical Side Flexion

Chin Tuck & Rotation

Latissimus 'Open-Book' Stretch

Latissimus Stretch + Rotation Bias

Modified Down Dog (Wall)

Hamstring Stretch

Strength Exercises

Squat - Arms Forward

Split Squat + Chop


Deep Squat, W to Y

Most of these risk factors can be minimised. Seek the advice of a TPI Certified Golf Medical Expert to prevent chronic or recurrent problems.

Disclaimer: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only.

For professional medical advice on injuries, please call Aurum Golf on 02 9899 1416 for an appointment or if it is an emergency call 000.

For professional medical advice on injuries, please call Aurum Golf on 02 9899 1416 for an appointment or if it is an emergency call 000.

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