Aurum Golf is a dedicated department of Aurum Health Care for golf related injuries and physical performance, with the leadership of Dr Paul Lee (Chiropractor).
Paul has the highest Golf Medical Certification in Sydney, New South Wales from the Titleist Performance Institute.
With a reputation for clinical excellence, Dr Lee has successfully addressed golfing injuries to achieve peak performance. He has helped golfers of all skill levels, ages and swing styles, from professional to recreational golfers improve their neuro-biomechanics to play at their best.
Providing the gold standard of allied health care, inspired by the collective experience and expertise of internationally recognised Chiropractor Dr Paul Lee, Aurum Golf is the leading Golf Injury and Performance Clinic servicing Sydney, New South Wales.
Aurum Golf is a dedicated department of Aurum Health Care for golf related injuries and physical performance, with the leadership of Dr Paul Lee (Chiropractor).
Paul has the highest Golf Medical Certification in Sydney, New South Wales from the Titleist Performance Institute.
With a reputation for clinical excellence, Dr Lee has successfully addressed golfing injuries to achieve peak performance. He has helped golfers of all skill levels, ages and swing styles, from professional to recreational golfers improve their neuro-biomechanics to play at their best.
Providing the gold standard of allied health care, inspired by the collective experience and expertise of internationally recognised Chiropractor Dr Paul Lee, Aurum Golf is the leading Golf Injury and Performance Clinic servicing Sydney, New South Wales.
Integrity means doing the right thing, and delivering on promises. By not just doing what is right but doing what we commit to do, Aurum has earned a position of trust among patients and staff. Integrity starts with individuals and the kind of individuals we engage at Aurum reinforces a rounded ethic in all that we do.
Aurum is serious about honesty, as it applies to the integrity of our relationships and our scope of practice. In all we do, we look for the best non-bias evidence and communicate in a clear concise manner, in language patients can understand and trust. If a case is outside our scope of practice and because we value a patient’s time, we will refer them on.
At Aurum, we put emphasis that every individual in our practice is treated with respect and dignity. All are informed about our services, treatments and other options in a clear and concise manner.
Our pursuit of excellence energizes our staff, who commit to delivering results and make it a tribute not only to patients, but also to colleagues and to society at large.
We pride ourselves in getting things done while still maintaining a high standard of quality for the services we provide. It is this dedication and consistency in our work that we earn the privilege of gaining the trust of the patients and colleagues who we serve.
We take seriously our responsibilities as citizens, and at Aurum, we are committed to improving the lives of those in the communities we serve. Since our conception in July 2016 and in addition to the pro bono work in clinic, we have proudly supported: Leukemia Foundation, Dance on Q.